Monday, September 16, 2013

US Navy Yard Attacker identified as Aaron Alexis

The US Naval Yard shooter has been identified as a civilian contractor from Texas named Aaron Alexis. At least 12 have been killed according to reports.

Did the Detroit emergency manager intentionally cause a partial power outage in Detroit to facilitate privatizing the cities power grid? Several people were injured and many more trapped in elevators when electrical power was purposely cut to certain sectors of the city. Bill Nowling of Detroit Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr's office and City of Detroit-Chief Compliance Officer, Gary Brown both admitted that the power outages were intentional but tried to blame it on potential problems with the entire grid ad Brown said if they did not shut off the power DTE would have. However, DTE offcials say that Brown is lying and they supply the power but don’t choose where the power goes.

Lawrence Summers, a former U.S. Treasury secretary, has withdrawn his name from consideration to become the next Federal Reserve Chair. Many progressives, including Elizabeth Warren were vocal critics of Summers attempts to deregulate the financial sector when he was Treasury secretary under President Clinton.

In local news, last week South Carolina electrical cooperatives are backing the first large-scale solar farm which will be built in the countryside near Walterboro.

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