Thursday, September 5, 2013

Is Secretary of State John Kerry being truthful about the Syrian opposition?

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Veronica Brown “adoption case” update: Dusten Brown turned himself in yesterday after "Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin signed an extradition warrant to send him to South Carolina’.

Is the Obama administration and key Republicans trying to play down the power and influence of Islamic extremists fighting in Syria? Tuesday while speaking to the Senate Foreign Relations committee, Secretary of State John Kerry said the Syrian opposition "has increasingly become more defined by its moderation, more defined by the breadth of its membership, and more defined by its adherence to some, you know, democratic process and to an all-inclusive, minority-protecting constitution".

However, in July deputy director of the Pentagon's Defense Intelligence Agency, David Shedd estimated that there were at least 1,200 different Syrian rebel groups and those Islamic extremists, notably the Nusra Front, were well placed to expand their influence according to Reuters. Other intelligence sources are also, at odds with what Kerry and people like John McCain are trying to sell to the American people concerning the make up of the Syrian opposition. A New York Times article published today citing the brutality of the Syrian "rebels" and that it was posing a problem for the West. It featured a photo of Syrian soldiers who had been captured being executed while bound, facedown and on their knees.

Jack Rasmus of the Green Shadow Cabinet Federal Reserve Chair will call in today to discuss the appointment of Larry Summers as Federal Reserve chairperson. Jack Rasmus is the author of the book, “Obama's Economy: Recovery for the Few”.  In a recent article at Mint Press News author Martin Michaels implies Summers could drive us into another financial collapse.

Vincent Sheheen, the Democratic state senator is challenging Republican Governor Nikki Haley and is making the hacking of South Carolina computers part of his campaign. He blames Haley for the data breach on her watch which resulted in millions of South Carolina tax payer’s personal information being stolen.

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