Could sloppy reporting and law enforcement leaks of the investigation into the Boston Marathon bombing be putting innocent people at risk? Law enforcement sources told CNN that female DNA was found on bomb fragments leading to speculation that the wife of one of the suspects was involved although they say they don't know whose DNA it is or how it got there. People on social media posted messages declaring that an American Indian Brown University student, Sunil Tripathi, was guilty of the bombing based on FBI publishing photos of possible suspects. Tripathi was found dead two days before the bombing. CNN's Peter King was also blasted for erroneously reporting that a law enforcement source told him a suspect was found and that it was a "dark skinned male". This turned out to not be true.
Congress recently and quietly repealed a law to prevent its members from insider trading based on knowledge they receive as legislators. The Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) Act, a law passed last year designed to prevent insider trading among lawmakers and government officials by requiring them to post disclosures of their financial transactions online reports NYU Local. ProPublica is now reporting that House Finance Chair Rep. Jeb Hensarling, R-Texas, went on a ski vacation with Wall Street bankers.
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